Thursday, March 17, 2011

Urine Paris!

No pun intended...Seriously.

I am sick. I am tired. I am sick and tired of having to explain the undeniable stench of urine throughout all of Paris to my lovely visitors. Because, to be honest, there is no explanation. There is no excuse.

I don't think the Parisian Founding Fathers planned on their entire city smelling like pee, but that is what this French metropolitan has turned into. I have spend the past two months studying the sources of this stench, and I have determined a few conclusions:

1. There is an enormous amount of homeless people living on the streets. Hey, they gotta go somewhere.
2. There is a lack of free public restrooms. I don't want to have to pay 50 cents every time my bladder fills up.
3. People are just rude.

Let's talk about the third item on my list, considering the first two items are completely understandable. The other day, I was departing the Metro on my way home from somewhere-French. Upon descending the steps that lead to the street, I immediately heard the all familiar "trickle" of public urination. And there it is...right in front of me... A woman holding her naked toddler as the toddler pees on the wall. Seriously, lady, can't you at least put a diaper on it?

For such a beautiful city, I am tired of it smelling like hell. Maybe April Showers will bring May Flowers and the flower power will overcome the stench of urine. One can only hope.

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