Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Bitches

Happy Valentine's Day- 

I normally detest commercial holidays such as Valentine's Day. Why should we designate a holiday to give a "loved one" a gift and that be the whole shabang?? I say we should give gifts EVERYDAY (Ryan Sedlacek, I hope you're reading this...) 

Anybody who has read my blog knows I have strong feelings against the excessive PDA these Parisian love-freaks display. And trust me, Valentine's Day is no exception; I even detest it even more. Dear France, I have told you several times thus far. Keep it in the bedroom and off the streets. 

However, I am hoping to approach this Valentine's Day with a new, positive attitude. Yes, I am 3,000 miles away from my paid-by-the-hour boyfriend, but I am planning on devouring an entire heart shaped pizza by myself and feeling sorry for myself. I may even go by myself a Valentine's Day gift...

So to all you out there reading this blog while laying in a rose-petal-covered bed with your loved one, screw you. To the rest of you, let's rage. 

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