Monday, February 7, 2011

Well, my last post deleted...

I was in the middle of writing an epic blog post since I haven't had one in a almost a week (I know, sorry Mom I'm a slacker), and of course I deleted it. I'll try to sum most of it up, including my thoughts on last night's Superbowl...

Courtney and Christine were out of town this weekend in the Land of Scot. They didn't bring me back any souvenirs. Nothing else to say about that...

Injury update: the bruise on my butt is still black and blue. I don't know when it will ever go back to a rosy pink color. At least Monica is really the only person in Paris who sees my bum on a regular basis, and she accepts me for who I am. The burn on my arm....healing and really itchy. Thank god for English-speaking pharmacists (Thank you FranceLand God!) for I am almost fully healed, although I am anticipating a scar for the rest of my life. Oh well, it will remind me of the havoc I brought upon myself in this foreign land.

New Injuries To Date: Remember the fall that landed me the nasty bruise on my bum? Yeah, I fell in the same club again, although I was more or less prepared for it and haven't had any bruising repercussions. Monica has experienced an unknown injury...she can't walk. SOmehow, the Achilles Tendon God hates her and for no reason, is making it impossible for her to move. Oh well, it was really fun to watch her hobble all the way to school today!

Some notes about the weekend: lots of visitors! Jamie's friends from Barcelona came to visit and they seriously took Paris by storm seeing virtually every sight there is to see. Since the weather was the best yet, we walked a LOT and enjoyed a lot of the sights with them. A visit to L'as Du Falafel was a must; I think it is a little embarrassing how we've been there 4 times in 3 weeks. Oh well, go big or go home I guess. We did lots of shopping in the Marais and walked to the Latin Quarter.

More visitors...Ben Miotti and his friend Sam from Oxford! It was nice to attempt to use my French while I ordered crepes and Falafel (yes, twice in one weekend. I'm a Mediterranean-Food-Loving-Pig). We spent a couple hours in Corcoran's, the Irish pub, while I tried a new cider beer. I'm just trying to assimilate myself to getting drunk in the middle of the day like my Frenchie Counterparts.

Now, onto the bullshit of a night I'd like to call the Superbowl. We intended on going to a Canadian Pub, but upon our arrival, it was already full. So, we headed to the next best thing, an Irish pub next door. I think what upsets me more than the Packers winning was the fact that I had to pay a 20 euro cover just to go in. Oh well, I got 2 free drinks and a bag of chips with it. We raged the night away (since the game started at a whopping 12:30 am here) and didn't make it into bed until 6 am. One can only imagine the day I've had in class thus far. Not my cup of tea, France.

I'll post more exciting antics once they happen. As for now, my main concern is getting my injured roommate home without breaking her other achilles tendon... She's only got 2 ya know!

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