Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dear Franceland Round 2....

Hey Franceland,

It's been awhile since I left your pretty fields for the damp Belgian air, however I'm back and I have a few things to say.

1. You must not have gotten my message earlier about the "English Issue", but upon my arrival from the Belgian Kingdom, I realized you still didn't fix your people and teach them some English. Oh well, I'll give you another chance.

2. While I was away, you didn't change your food. My favorite meal here has been egg-in-a-hole (3 of them, I was hungry), which is a little sad since aren't you supposed to be famous for your eats? Where are these delectable goodies and why can't I get in on the fun?

3. The fried food in Belgium was godly. Where is your fried food, Franceland? Figure it out.

4. It's only been one day of school, and I am already fed up with your soft spoken teachers. SPEAK LOUDER.

5. I know it always comes to this, but I just want a big shower. The one-star hotel we stayed at had a shower 3 times the size of this closet of a bathroom and I would really appreciate not having to do a wall-sit every time I want to shave my legs.

6. Even though you have a few flaws, I still really like your country and I think we will become great friends over the next 4 months. LOVE YA!

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