Monday, January 31, 2011

I want to kill my kitchen utensils...

I have a newfound appreciation for all the housewives in the world. It's a bitch to cook and clean all the time. Want to know what's worse? When you are without teflon. It has taken me literally 40 minutes every night to scrub the crusted chicken and pasta off of my utensils. In addition to our pan from hell, our knife is about as dull as the German professor who lectured us for 4 hours during orientation. Cutting chicken with this knife is like beating a dead horse (or chicken). After Monica witnessed a near-meltdown, we decided it was time to ditch the ACCENT bullshit and fork over some dough for a fancy pan and knife. (Oh you fancy, huh)

After a grueling 5-minute long hunt through Monoprix (our version of Target), we landed upon a glorious aisle of pans. With pure determination in my eyes, I only looked at the pans with "Teflon" splattered across their shiny black bodies. Once I made the difficult choice, I then headed towards the knives (should I have been trusted in that aisle?). I had never been so happy to see such sharp pieces of metalwork in my life. I felt like a kid in a knife shop.

Since my journey to Monoprix, I have made a fantastic barbeque chicken meal which took 45 seconds to clean. My life is complete, for now. Franceland, get your shit together and give me some teflon!

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