Friday, January 28, 2011

The one about parisian love...

I do not mean to rant or whine...

but seriously Paris, why are all of your peeps in love? And better yet, why do they need to show it so much? Walking down the street, I barely see anybody alone; they are all in couples. What puts it over the edge is their level of PDA. Parisians love to be in love and they love to SHOW it, anytime, anywhere. As enjoyable as it was to witness the couple next to me on the metro play tonsil hockey, I really almost lost my lunch and would truly prefer to never have to be within 5 feet of that ever again. Paris, let's put some ground rules on the table. I don't care if you are all in love, hell, power to ya. If everyone were in love like you jerks are, the world would probably be a better place. However, I do not need to see it on every street corner, in every metro, and in every hallway. It's just a bit unnecessary. I get the point, you like each other. Keep it to yo-selves!

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