Friday, January 14, 2011

"It's like an army of bitches"

The above quote was spoken by a wise englishman on the street today as he passed us. Asshole.

First full day in Paris...

Woke up in the middle of the night so I needed some drogas to lure me back into a peaceful slumber. Once we awoke, we headed over to ACCENT for our orientation, AKA how to use the metro, get a french cell phone, what to not do (but we will do anyways), etc...

The group of us decided to attempt to buy cell phones. We looked like aliens on a new planet, not knowing what to do or how to communicate. Oh well, we got our cell phones and walked out of there in one piece. We headed to lunch and I had to order, of course, french onion soup. SUCK IT AMERICANS. The French version of french onion soup is where it's at. Panera can't compete.

French Food + Torey = BLEH

I don't really like it. I hope I can get some taste for it, but it pretty much all tastes like seafood/garbage besides the croissants and crepes. However, if I continue on a croissant/crepe diet, I will soon morph from human into beluga whale. Anyways, the day was filled with the constant bombarding of "frenchness". I really need to tattoo a sign on my forehead that says "je ne parle pas fracais".

Moni, Courtney, Christine and I braved the metro. Besides the fact that we were made fun of when Monica was convinced she lost her wallet, I was impressed with our ability to transport ourselves from one part of the city to another. We went to a store in the pouring rain in search for Longchamps. Don't tell Ryan (even if he's reading this), but Longchamps are SOOO much cheaper here (Sorry Ry...). The woman in the store was not pleased with our wet bodies dripping on her bags of gold, but whatever, we were paying customers. We headed over to a department sale to check out the sales and wow...that is all I can say. I NEEEEEED to be careful or else the shopping devil will hijack all my money from me. (Hijack aka not by choice, aka can't blame me for shopping)

We headed back to the Bastille area to meet up with Jamie for dinner and this meal definitely was the best by far. Maybe french food and I won't be such a bad match after all. We'll see. I only had a salad. And I had my first glass of wine in a public restaurant (so badass, I know). Then, we raged. No, not Red-Lion-Black-Out-Drooling Rage, but French-raged.

Lessons learned today:
- Green man on the walking sign trumps any moving car. You see a green man, you go and don't hesitate.
- I had never been so excited to see vodka in my life. Withdrawl anyone?
- The french must get dressed in the dark. They throw on the most random clothes and somehow still look stylish. If only this could be pulled off in Champaign.
- When in doubt, smile and say "oui"

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