Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm here for school, right?

For the parents/adult ones who like to be updated on my academic life, I figured I should mention something about my classes. That's the whole point of being here, right? ha. But here we go...

Class #1 Marketing Communications: Don't know, haven't had it yet, should be easy.

Class #2 Strategic Marketing: Seems like a cool class. We are marketing products on a simulation computer game. A little strange, and I don't really understand how to interpret the data. Oh well, thankfully I've got smart people in my group!

Class #3 Positional Bargaining and Negotiation: The biggest joke of a class in the world. On the first day, the professor said to us, "This is like no class you have ever taken before. There is no homework, there are no tests. You are graded on your participation in the class. There really are no rules in this class. It's a free for all."

Basically, each day we are split up into 2 groups and given a scenario and we will have to negotiate a deal with the other group. The point is to argue and get your way. Participation is your effort in the negotiation (aka arguing), so anybody who knows me knows that I am guaranteed an A+ in this class.

HOWEVER. There is a serious issue with this class. During our first negotiation, Courtney, Christine, and I were put in the same group along with this kid from Russia. Our scenario was an acquisition of a French company by a German company. We had to negotiate to see if we could do the acquisition while still maintaining some of the french culture and their ceo/cfo in the company. Russia-man obviously did not understand the concept of the negotiation and would not budge from the idea that "the french and the germans can not possibly get along. Therefore, the acquisition should not take place at all." What a complete dumbass. The WHOLE POINT of the negotiation was to make the acquisition happen and not leave the offer on the table. If that were even an option, nobody would come to class because there would be nothing to argue about. He was a complete COMMUNIST. I don't mean to be stereotypical, but he seriously was.

Class #4 European Model: A SERIOUSLY COOL CLASS. It teaches you about the European Union and each class, a new professor from a different country comes in and teaches us their perspective on the EU. It is probably one of the most beneficial "real-world" classes I have ever taken. Our head professor is awesome too; you can tell he is brilliant.

So there you go!

Catacombs today...Can't wait to see some skulls.

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